IG-B and C Gas Installer Licence » Instituto INTER

Plumbing and Gas:

IG-B and C Gas Installer Licence

Contenido IG-B and C Gas Installer Licence

  • Characteristics of gases.
  • Materials.
  • Installation of pipes and measures.
  • Burners.
  • Protection and security devices.
  • Ignition devices.
  • Accessories of the facilities.
  • LPG bottles under 15 Kg.
  • Facilities diagrams.
  • Calculation of receiving facilities.
  • Gas flows.
  • Technical regulation of distribution and use of gaseous fuels, with the complementary technical Instructions from 6 to 11.
  • UNE standards that must be complied with at the gas reception facilities, UNE 60670, UNE 60601, etc.

Complementary Materials Required:

  • Geometry: Lines and angles. Polygons Circumference. Regular and irregular surfaces …
  • Mathematics: Natural numbers, integers and decimals. Divisibility. Fractions Magnitudes …
  • Physics: Matter. Kinematics. Dynamic. Pressure. PVT relationships of gases. Electricity…
  • Chemistry: Chemical elements. The air as a mixture. Combustion. Inert gases …

Why start this IG-B and C Gas Installer Course?

Are you a Plumber? Do you work in a Gas Installer company and want to get the Official Licence? Or maybe you are a professional who has the C-Gas licence wants to expand its possibilities and get the B-Gas licence. With this course we are going to prepare in order to take Official Gas Installer Test IG-B and C and obtain the Gas Installer Licence from the Ministry of Industry and Energy. Once you have obtained the C and B- Gas Licence, you can carry out your professional activity, as a free-lance or hired by an installation company.
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Visita Virtual Instituto INTER

You can do all the work activities of the IG-C Gas and all facilities (both indoor and outdoor) of entire buildings (homes, commercial locals and industry), bottles (less than and more than 15 Kg.), Adaptation of Gas facilities to another one, revisions (of butane, propane, natural gas) …