Cafeteria and Bar Company Manager » Instituto INTER

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Cafeteria and Bar Company Manager

Contenido Cafeteria and Bar Company Manager


1. Basic restaurant-bar service (MF0257_1):

  • Application of standards and hygienic-sanitary conditions in restoration (UF0053).
  • Use of the basic endowment of the restaurant and assistance in the preservice (UF0058).
  • Basic food and beverage service and post-service tasks in the restaurant (UF0059).

2. Provisioning, beverages and fast foods (MF0258_1):

  • Application of standards and hygienic-sanitary conditions in restoration (UF0053).
  • Provision and storage of food and drinks in the bar (UF0060).
  • Preparation and service of drinks and fast food at the bar (UF0061).


1. Bar-cafeteria management (MF1050_2):

  • Control of the economic activity of the bar and cafeteria (UF0256).
  • Application of computer systems in the bar and cafeteria (UF0257).

Why learn this Cafeteria and Bar Company Manager Course?

Spain, the second country in the world in the reception of tourists, needs more staff in the Catering and Tourism sector, but even more, more qualified staff with an adequate Vocational Education and Training.
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