Higher VET Electrotechnical And Automated Systems » Instituto INTER


Higher VET Electrotechnical And Automated Systems

Contenido Higher VET Electrotechnical And Automated Systems



1.- Technical documentation in electrical installations.
2.- Electrical systems and circuits.
3.- Development of electrical networks and transformation centers.
4.- Configuration of domotic and automatic installations.
5.- Configuration of electrical installations.
6.- Assembly and maintenance management of electrical installations.
7.- Training and career guidance.
8.- Technical English I.



9.- Installation of common telecommunication infrastructures.
10.- Techniques and processes in electrical installations.
11.- Techniques and processes in domotic and automatic installations.
12.- Company and entrepreneurial initiative.
13.- Technical English II.
14.- Project of electrotechnical and automated systems.
+ FCTs (Training in Work Centers).


Why learn this Electrotechnical Systems Degree?

Nowadays, electricity is present in every home, in every place, in the streets … the world works with electricity. Being an electrician means knowing how to plan, do electrical installations properly; know how the elements that compose it work, solve faults, etc. In short, it is one of the most important and essential professions in our society.

With this Higher VET, you will obtain the specialisation in electrical maintenance and automated installations, so you will go up one more step at a professional level and you will open new labor doors in the industrial field. You will have the theoretical-practical knowledge to manage, plan, document, maintain and start up electrical and automatic installations of any kind.
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Visita Virtual Instituto INTER

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